We ask that you ask us first before sending anything over. Factory new items we can get through our own distributors we typically do not accept outside transfers on. Factory new items sent to us without prior communication will be charged a higher transfer fee (usually $70 for non-NFA items and $100 for NFA items).
Transfer Fee: $35 for the first item, $25 for a second item, and $15 for each item thereafter in a single transaction. Applies to used / auction / private party transfers only. For all factory new items: ask us first, as we can typically get such items via our distributors. If we can't, then the normal transfer fee of $35 applies. Transfer Fee, NFA Items: Our NFA transfer fee is $75 for all items that we cannot get through our distributor or that we do not stock in our local inventory. Outgoing Transfer Fees: $20 + the cost of shipping materials and labor (for large items). Non-FFL Transfer Fee: $15-$20 per item, ammo and large packages are extra. Please, ask first. We do not accept outside ammo or accessories without prior communication. ***Once we receive your transfer, we will contact you when the item is ready for pick up. Please, do not come for the item before then. We need the time to correctly verify and log the details of the item prior to transferring to a customer. Thank you for your patience.***